Connecting Markets

Asia Trading Parters Ltd / Alimentos Alegrett Inc / Alegrett Dealer Inc Connecting markets. Connecting Markets

Asia Trading Partners / Alimentos Alegrett Inc / Alegrett Dealer Inc They are based on the idea that connections between rapidly developing markets should be encouraged. We have seen an enormous increase in international economic activity and little by little Latin America is following in its footsteps in the food industry for human and animal consumption, in the commercialization of industrial equipment, power generators and electrical transformers, refractories and all kinds of industrial products and even global white goods equipment.

In Latin America, the investment environment is improving. Some domestic industries are booming, creating jobs and adopting innovations. Beyond high technology and heavy industries, mass trade in basic commodities such as consumables, healthcare products and many others is benefiting from new modern procurement strategies and practices.

With our contacts in the business community, we can accelerate projects throughout the Americas by helping Asian entrepreneurs understand local needs and developments and engage for mutual benefit.